Support is a wonderful thing –– just knowing that it’s out there is often enough to make you feel better. Outside of family and friends, I’m a big believer in creating a community of support for oneself. Some people’s community includes a life coach, a healer, a housekeeper, a feng shui master, a pilot and a personal chef, while others will settle for once-a-month with a trusty hairdresser who listens, makes them laugh and cuts great bangs. These people are outside the personal fold, but they often tune in as much (sometimes more) as your dearests do. I started going to a chiropractor a year ago. I walked into Rosanne’s practice in so much pain that my eyes stayed closed the whole time. All I remember from that day was that Dido’s Mary in India was playing on the radio. And that she stuck needles in my hands and reminded me that, “this too shall pass.” One of her favourite phrases. Rosanne is positive, broad minded, kind, generous and smart. She’s also very good at what she does. Twice monthly adjustments are now a staple. And while I still move a little more gingerly than I did pre-injury, there is lovely reassurance in knowing that the support is there should I slam my coccyx flying down a slide again.