The life of an acrobat is no doubt a grueling one, but the lights and costumes and magic of it all make it look so exciting. Last night, at the opening of Cirque du Soleil’s Mexican inspired Luzia, I was awestruck by what an acrobat can train his/her body (and mind) to achieve. Men in bird costumes jumping through hoops of various heights, Krzystof Holowenko’s eye-popping 360 degree swing, an extreme contortionist, and a juggler who turned seven silver batons into sparks of electricity –– it was thrilling. There was one woman in the cast that my eye kept darting to because she was so powerful, so graceful, and so deliberate in her movements. The contortionist was far creepier to watch, but again, the extreme to which he had stretched his body, was extraordinary to me. As far as cool professions go, acrobats sit high on my list. There’s something eternally childlike about the profession –– playground rituals on acid. I can picture many a four-year old boy threatening to run away from his brussel sprouts and join the circus instead.
Posts from July 2016
Portrait of a Lady
July 29, 2016
I came across the work of Brazilian artist, Willian Santiago today. His instagram feed is delightful, with a mix of illustrations, succulents and splashes of red (tomatoes, a typewriter and his sneakers). It’s the portraits that I really love, this one, this one, and this one . The lady in her candy striped sunnies and giant headscarf is pretty fabulous, too.
Old Vic
July 28, 2016
I’ve always had a thing for white cotton Victorian dresses and blouses. When I lived in Kensington Market, I used to spend hours at Courage my Love admiring all the beautiful frocks in white Damask. The shop still carries them today. I have a couple of dresses –– richly embroidered with a dainty drop waist –– that are pretty and demure, and Victorian in spirit. But one of these days, I’ll buy the real thing and wear it with a pair of kick-ass trainers.
July 27, 2016
My love of red shoes is down to Dorothy. I’ve seen so many versions of her ruby sparklers, but none come close to the originals. Over the years, I’ve amassed quite the collection of red shoes, from espadrilles and ballerinas to a beautiful pair of tomato red lace Kirkwoods. The latter are quite uncomfortable, but I love them enough to bare the blisters. When I was in my late teens studying in Florence, my friend Hettie and I used to walk to school playing “spot the red shoes.” To this day, I take note when a pair of red kicks pass me by. I really think red shoes are a must in every girl’s shoe stash. They go with everything –– jeans, ballgowns, gingham –– and make the outfit a little more fabulous. Just look at Dorothy.
the kettle’s on
July 26, 2016
I was reading about Kettle’s Yard this morning –– the museum in Cambridge that was once home to art collector, Jim Ede. He converted the space with his wife Helen in the 50s in order to house their ever-growing collection of Brancusis, Picassos and Mondrians. In 1966, Ede gave the house and collection to the University, but insisted that everything remain as he left it. I imagine it’s terribly cool to see a Hepworth or a Miró among books and houseplants. I love these Valenti paintings hanging above this Lucy Rie bowl. The room –– and house in general –– is spartan, but lived-in, and totally un-curated. In fact, it looks nothing like a museum, which was exactly Ede’s point.
some like it hot
July 25, 2016
It was hot today, really hot, and because it rained hard last night, there was an intense humidity in the air. I love that kind of heat. I know it’s not entirely comfortable, but I find the feeling of brown, dirty knees, sticky, tired legs and mad waves on my head, quite satisfying. You can feel the humidity in this image, can’t you? This is just the sort of heat I love.
stars and stripes
July 22, 2016
I like to see connections in things –– a snail’s shell iterated in a spiral staircase, the stripes of an angelfish on a shimmery blouse. I’ve seen the Statue of Liberty many times, but never from above. The star shaped base made me think instantly of this Solange Azagury-Partridge ring. The inspiration for the ring likely didn’t come from Liberty, but how exciting that such connections are possible.
one to watch
July 21, 2016
It was Luke Edward Hall’s plates that first caught my eye, and then his fabrics made me swoon. The London based artist and interior decorator is brimming with talent. Scroll through his online journal and you’ll see what I mean. The flat he shares with his partner, Duncan Campbell, is an eclectic mix of beautiful wallpapers, whimsical art, moss green paint and vintage furnishings. Have a walk around, you may just want to move in.
work it
July 20, 2016
Yesterday, Iole and I were very politely asked to leave the JCC. It was a tiny bit awkward for me, but much more awkward for the nice chap who’d been sent down to tell me off. A child, I discovered, is not allowed to hang out with her Mum while she lifts 3lbs dumbbells. The dumbbell could fall on the kid’s foot. Fair enough. And the Mum should be wearing appropriate work-out gear. A Mexican cotton moomoo and leopard print ballerinas didn’t qualify. So, my attempt at a little weight training just got super boring without Iole there to sing and giggle with me. I wonder if a Bonnie Cashin towelling toga would be ok?
July 19, 2016
I was told today that the new pool at my local community centre could be ready as soon as August, and in my world (mermaid world) that’s reason to celebrate. In the meantime, I’m tempted to purchase one of Joanne Ho’s delightful paintings of pool life. This Moroccan style one is fancy and I adore the tropical tiles at this pool. Maybe I could put a note in at the front desk –– PRINTED TILES AND MOORISH ARCHES, PLEASE.