Lilacs yesterday, wisteria today. My neighbour’s wisteria is tumbling into my garden, the way it does every year around this time, and I’m reminded how much I love this flower. It reminds me of London, Chelsea in particular, where wisteria is in abundance at this time of year. This house, in neighbouring Kensington, is made regal by the climbing wisteria. It almost looks like trompe-l’œil.
Posts from May 2018
May 30, 2018
Toronto only smells good when the lilacs come up, and their scent follows us around like a sweet little sister. The purple lilacs are in abundance, and occasionally I see some white ones. The lilacs I really adore, look like cotton candy, and are a rare sighting, indeed. I know we’re not supposed to pick flowers from trees, but I wouldn’t be able to resist a little bunch of pinks.
May 29, 2018
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the connections we see –– between a poppy, lets’ say, and the pleats of an Issey Miyake fabric –– and how satisfying that can be. The world feels smaller and more connected when the okra on your dinner plate reminds you of the Cypress trees you saw in Italy last spring. I think some people, creative types, make these kinds of connections all the time. And then channel them into their work. What comes out on the other side, is an amalgam of everything they see. It’s like a life size game of connect the dots.
yard sale
May 29, 2018
Our street participated in a yard sale on the weekend, and much of the neighbourhood was out for it. We rustled together three tables of bric-a-brac in about twenty minutes; I dread to think how much more we could have piled on had we dug a little deeper. It’s strange to look upon things, once so loved and enjoyed, strew on the curb like junk. A wooden bowl in the shape of pineapple, a Rosenthal creamer, ramekins, toys, a bentwood chair and ten plates I spent my childhood eating off. We sold a gilded table that belonged to Jason’s grandmother to a neighbour who probably loved it as much as she did. He even bought the matching plant stand. That was a nice sale. My bodum teapot, that I’ve steeped tea in so many times, went to a local restaurateur, and a bag of my favourite wooden toys went to a new Mum and her 6-month old baby, Charlie. No one wanted my Mum’s Solimene plates, which on second thought, was a very lucky thing. One man’s trash really is another man’s treasure.
Swedish made
May 25, 2018
Here’s to checkerboard floors, gingham curtains and fresh basil in handmade pots. I love this little Swedish kitchen, so charming and bright. The wallpaper, with its palm trees and sailboats is pure holiday.
in the bag
May 25, 2018
We’ve seen it a million times, in glossy magazines and on Pinterest, the inside of a woman’s handbag. There’s a Vuitton change purse, a Mason Pearson hairbrush and L’Occitane handcream. There’s an iPhone, lipstick (Mac Velvet Teddy) and two pairs of sunglasses (classic and courageous). Mine is nowhere near as glamorous, and I’d hazard yours isn’t either. What’s inside the handbags of women who schlep theirs around like it’s a second home? Inside my bag, a navy blue Fjallraven Kanken that used to belong to my son, is the following: $15 loose cash; one ultra fine panty liner; 5 TTC transfers and 3 taxi receipts; one pair of thick socks; a scrunched up rain bonnet; a leather roll up case of pottery tools; My daughter’s sunglasses; my other daughter’s colouring pages; a ticket to RBG; a business card from a wealth management firm; a grocery list; napkins; keys; three cornflakes. This from Vice is pretty cool. And so is this book from research sociologist, Jean-Claude Kaufmann. Take a look at both. And then inside your bag.
May 23, 2018
Look at this beautiful bedroom suite designed by L.A. decor wizard, Mark D. Sykes. From the chinoiserie wallpaper to the tented ceiling, it’s all so rich and sumptuous. The linens, with their perfect scalloped edges, are divine. So are the Vladimir Kanevsky porcelain flowers. I’ll stay for a day or two, if I must.
cult following
May 22, 2018
Here’s a an easy way to add drama to a simple summer dress, with rattan bangles the size of a salad plate. Cult Gaia is an L.A.-based designer that you may want to check out if you’re looking for standout accessories for summer. Think printed turbans, rainbow-coloured acrylic bags and malachite earrings to wear with your bangle. And what about this discreet little belt buckle?
add to cart
May 20, 2018
I am very much enjoying scrolling through the voluminous tops and high waisted pants over at Silvia Tcherassi’s online shop. The Colombian designer has a great sense of humour of whimsy. Just look at this polka dot romper and this fabulous high necked blouse. And look at the accessories. Who doesn’t want a handbag in the shape of a birdcage?
and the bride wore, Givenchy
May 20, 2018
“Resplendent” is how my friend Bianca described Meghan Markle in her Givenchy wedding gown. She truly was. I think we were all expecting something grand and frothy, so when she arrived, the epitome of modernity, restraint and elegance, the world over held its breath.